Sales activities

Sales is an extremely important part of business, because successful sales management ensures good turnover of products and services and total business profit. Sales planning includes developing a strategy, setting sales targets, managing demand and preparing a sales plan. This tool combines, and provides insight into, all of the essential components of sales activities in one place.

Sales Activities Management

Le système d’activité de vente comprend la gestion des activités d’avant-vente, la récupération et la gestion avec des opportunités de vente et de marketing proposées et qualifiées, et crée et suit des opportunités de vente tout au long du processus de vente avec toutes les données pertinentes. Faciliter le suivi des activités de vente à chaque étape des négociations, de la gestion, de la planification et de la conclusion d’une vente.

Sales tasks and events

The Sales Activity Module also provides a comprehensive and complete record of all sales tasks and events. With this solution, you can have a simple and cost-effective solution, and never fail to control tasks or events attendance.

Sales Pipeline

Apart from the basic elements, this tool also displays a sales pipeline. This is a detailed record of all sales activities that have been concluded, are currently underway, or are planned to be done. In creating or reviewing sales tasks, everything is very effective. Managing this aspect of your business is additionally simplified with an interactive structured collaboration and kanban sales view (drag-and-drop functionality).

Templates and reports

Being able to create offers from MS Word templates, with links to your catalogs of goods and services, saves time and effort, and creating reports from table overviews is the basis of APPCRO BMS's sales process management.